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Who could acquire anticipation that a JMod

Well able-bodied well… Who could acquire anticipation that a JMod (probably, awful acceptable and about 100% affidavit indicates that it was Mod Jed) would absorb themselves in something this dirty? Even admitting they do players bedraggled by not ablution Mobile on iOS, removing chargeless staking on Bound Amphitheatre etc., OSRS gold but they aswell abduct from their player-base. Fantastic isn’t it?

So what happened?

As an commodity in "Newsweek" states, Mod Jed activate himself adapted in the boilerplate of a arguable situation. He was abhorrent for authoritative decisions favourable to "ROT" – a association which Mod Jed represented and artlessly burglary people’s wealth, even hacking accounts, alienated admission and just accepting greedy. What a bedraggled little bastard, huh? We shall state, for added description that there is no official acceptance on whether it in fact was Mod Jed, but:

His accounts were removed from RS top array + banned.

His Jmod cheep annual is suspended.

At first, Mod Jed seemed to go advancing on a association alleged ‘Frontline’, a battling of "Reign of Terror" or "ROT" which the mod had represented. He credible out banned 20 accounts which were associates of ‘Frontline’ with no credible or bright reasoning. The associates of ‘Frontline’ responded massively, they acquaint apparent videos on Youtube, alleged out Jagex and pleaded to the RS association for support. However, annihilation austere happened, no accusable humans were found. This happened in backward 2017, and things went quiet. But alone temporarily.

Oh, we about forgot that the aforementioned adulterated aswell blanket air-conditioned names from RS3. All one letter names and some of the usernames which could be brash ‘cool’ and ‘rare’ were artlessly taken away. Those names were taken from RS3 accounts and confused abroad to high-level OSRS accounts. This was done with no annual from Jagex. It is aswell annual acquainted that this happened about the aforementioned time if ‘Frontline’ associates were banned. Mod Jed anyone?

Further scams

A column on the OSRS Reddit (r/2007scape) was fabricated just a few months ago. A amateur claimed that he had about 45 billion GP of abundance baseborn from him. Old School Runescape 45 bil… This is crazy. Just anticipate about it, 45 billion GP could (if you acquaint it on RSGoldFast) get you 28,350 USD of real-world money. For this affectionate of cash, you can buy a new car, go on a cruise to any country accepted or alone be a scamming little adulterated like Mod Jed (only speculation, not facts).

Back at the time, the column was made, the accepting who wrote it was accused of RWT himself. The association explained it as artlessly accepting acquisitive and absent his/her boodle back. The accepting was mostly flamed and laughed at in the comments. However, the mentioned amateur got the endure beam as added humans accumulated up complaints about apprehensive Jagex adjudicator activity. On September 20th, 2018 Runescape abeyant all Mod Jed Cheep accounts, removed his Runescape accounts and started a police-led analysis adjoin apprehensive actions. They even refunded humans who were abused by a acquisitive bearding moderator, and the mentioned amateur got his 45 billion back, others accustomed their baseborn appurtenances as well.

It is estimated that the Adjudicator could acquire recovered over 100b OSRS GP per month. If awash on the market, the gold ambit out to about 60,000-65,000 USD. This activity apparently went on for a few months, at least, until he was bent and alone from the team. But the accident was done.

What happens next?

While the badge analysis is ongoing, we cannot apprehend Jagex to bead any names or analyze the accused party. However, we should apprehend them to advance the aegis of its player-base aback it is a cogent activity if a adjudicator or ambassador can accomplishment players for their benefits. And they cartel to say gold-selling is bad for the game… Annual hacking and burglary from players that is what’s bad for the game.

Let’s accomplishment this never happens again!


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